Jan 20 2013

The Framework of the Holy Scriptures

After years of intense study and blessings from Jehovah, I was able to convincingly and unequivocally know the truth of the bible. I am not a basher or a denouncer of other Christian faiths. I am a dedicated believer in God’s word alone. I let the truths of his word shed light on others thoughts and beliefs.

Up to this time, I have shared my knowledge with few people. The reason being most people do not get the sense of scriptures. They are too involved in themselves to understand the framework of the bible. But by knowing the framework of the bible, the truths of it are revealed.

I thought you readers would be interested in this framework. It is not very complicated. It is based on the original 7 creative days. The original 7 days is the actually framework that the re-creation or renewal mentioned at Mt 19:28 reflects.

The elements of the re-creation are a mirror of the original 7 creative days. The judgment pronounced upon the 3 evil doers in the garden at Ge 3:14-23 is the prophecy and structure of the re-creation.

What is the re-creation? It is the second coming of Christ Jesus in kingdom power. The knowledge of the re-creation embodies all of the scriptures. Once you understand it, you can learn the deep things of the scriptures to attain a greater understanding of them. This is why God says, I am making all things new at Re 21:5.

Here specifically is how to build the framework. I’ll give you a few hints so you can get the sense of it.

If you line up the elements of the following scriptures, if you look intensely, you will see a pattern of 7:

Ge 3:14-23
Ps 23:1-6
Ps 110:1-7
Da 9:24
Ez 8:1-18

Mat 24:1-14 
Revelations 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 thunders, 7 bowls.

A note on revelation: most think these 7’s are consecutive, they are actually occurring simultaneously identifying specific groups.

Also the 4 living creatures and 24 elders at Re 4:4-6 represent the angels who dispense the re-creative forces during the second coming of Jesus. These forces are the seven spirits of God in front of the throne. 4×7=28 which equals 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 thunders, 7 bowls.

If you did everything correctly, you should have realized the end of this system corresponds to the original beginning of the heavens and earth.

I’m not making it easy for you. But I am giving you enough to come to a conclusion on your own. I have built an extensive network of the scriptures. From this I am able to draw conclusions on specific or particular events in bible prophecy. It is foolproof!!

An added bonus: Why is the universe dark? Hint: where light ends in darkness at Job 26:10. 
Answer: The watery deep was formed into the universe as we know it.  See Ge 1:2. On the first day, God used this light to cover his glory and his throne. Yes, the face of the Throne has been covered with the light since the first creative day. This is why we can’t see into heaven and see God. Ps 104 and Job 26.Therefore no man may see my face and live. Ex 33:20.

Questions at email@faceofthethrone.com

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